Do You actually Need the PopUps?

You’ve made a decision that you would like to learn about something, so you do a Google search. You select one of the internet sites chosen for you by Google and click its link. Then, when the page finishes loading, surprise! Rather than getting to dig into the content that you’d been hoping to see so that you can go on learning about your chosen subject, you are given a big giant pop up ad. This pop up banner is an advertising campaign and no matter how many times you try and shut it down, it won’t close—unless you enter in your e-mail address. Finally you simply close your browser altogether because you are so frustrated. The proprietor of that site has gotten the better of you!

So many people hate pop ups—and with valid reasons. They’re aggravating. They intrude on what you happen to be attempting to do. The kinds that play noise might find yourself getting you in trouble with your boss (or someone else in the room). They make crazy pledges. They need your personal data if you would like them to go away. Sometimes they’ll put in cookies or other malware on your hard disk. There aren’t a whole bunch of folks who actually like to be confronted by these annoying things but so many IMers insist on employing them. How come?

The sorry and simple truth is that Internet Marketers use pop up ads because they work. They order interest. They help IMers assemble their e-mail promoting directories. It’s been proven again and again that pop up ads get more opt ins than a normal opt in box put into the sidebar or even into the body of a site. Sometimes even direct sales happen as a result of them. Sadly, these types of annoying aggravating web pests get the job done and, until someone can come up with something better, most Internet Marketers are going to keep using them.

Of course that doesn’t mean that those same IMers must keep using them. What is the value of an e-mail address that was only received through duress? Usually what happens is that the individual just chooses to immediately opt out of your list as soon as they get the first e-mail from you. How great can visitors be when most of it clicks away because it is genuinely offended by your ad? Obviously you need to make money, but is this really your best option? Can’t there be another selection available to people who want to create e-mail lists and sell products?

The truth is simply this: if you have a good product, you aren’t going to need a pop up if you can present that product well. Concentrate on building a very high quality product or service so that you don’t have to count on irritating pop up ads to do the job for you. Write a great sales or splash page. Grab the reader’s attention then don’t give it back using just the power behind your copy and site content. The basic truth is that Web marketers only find success and online earnings when they make products that others are going to find valuable. No pop-up ad may be substituted to disguise the lack of value in a product.

Rick Billings, Diversified Entrepreneur

Rick Billings is a distinguished business leader specializing in online and offline marketing and training. He places a high value on fostering strong relationships with individuals he encounters daily. If you are interested in exploring opportunities for additional income streams, consider learning more about the resources and expertise Rick Billings offers. Click Here