Creating Funnels in Network Marketing

This post (or how to) is for the person who has joined a network marketing business. You might also be someone who is looking to build one online. This might include through social media, websites, etc. The good news is – regardless of the online vehicle you choose or are comfortable with, creating funnels should be among the priorities.

Just sending a link isn’t enough …

It is possible you are newer to the online world and I hate to break it to you, but simply sending your link out to people and hoping they click and buy, just isn’t in the cards. People appreciate value, education, and knowledge. Often they require that before making purchases, or before looking at other opportunities to earn an income. For example, it is possible you came across this website via a major search engine because a title caught your eye? Or perhaps we are connected on social media? Or, you found your way here because of the variety of training and value this website brings for network marketers and business people alike.

I have been creating funnels for a number of years

… and they have served me and my family quite well. They have also brought in great business to teams and business partners I work with, especially when you create shareable, downloadable content.

Let me explain.

What Does Creating Funnels Mean?

A sales funnel is a process that you take your prospects through virtually, where they make small commitments that continue to get bigger and bigger until a sale is made. These commitments might be a series of videos or audios, questions or surveys.

Often multiple sales soon follow and/or they continue in a program where the prospects sing up for a monthly membership (or autoship) and you gain a long term customer or distributor.

You see, most network marketing companies have company branded websites that are designed to make product sales. And some of them do a fantastic job at it. But, what will happen if that prospect lands on that website and they are simply not ready to buy, right now. Chances are you have now lost that prospect or potential customer because you had no way to follow up with them, or even stay in distant contact.

creating funnels

Creating funnels (sales) is designed to take your prospects through a process that starts with them “opting in” (typically with their name and email). It is a small commitment. It’s them, basically raising their hands and saying, yes, I would like some more information and I’m willing to give you my contact information in return for it. Are you seeing how powerful this can be?

Stay with me.

Scenarios for Why Creating Funnels is Necessary

First scenario – You send 1,000 people to your company website. Now, 10 people buy right away, so you earn an income from those purchases. End of story.

Second Scenario – You have a sales funnel that starts with an opt in the page (as mentioned above) for generating leads (potential buyers). Your page converts at 15%.

  • So 1,000 visitors, you generate 150 leads.
  • 10 of them become customers right off the bat (like scenario one)
  • Your drip email campaign converts 25 more sales over the course of the next 2 months.
  • You now have 35 paying customers.
  • 25 of which you would have otherwise lost because they were not ready to buy when they first visited your website.
  • 6 months later you still have 115 prospects on your list and you do a promotion for some training or a webinar and you get another 14 buyers

See how powerful that can be? Let alone lucrative!

Now, creating funnels doesn’t need to be a daunting task. It can actually allow you to stick to pre made funnels which a variety of platforms offer, or you can let your creative side out! Typically, a leader needs a little carrot to click through on your sales funnel or some type of incentive. Almost entice them to enter the name and email. We can do this through a variety of different tools. Here are a few to consider;

  1. Ebook about the topic, products, company
  2. Quick PDF Fact Sheet
  3. Invitation to a free webinar or workshop
  4. Your Top 5 Tips to earning an income online
  5. Why xyz company is the hottest of 2017

….and so much more. These ‘carrots’ are endless. Tap into what you are already great at doing or talking about, jazz it up a little and give it away. Remember, people appreciate value. These types of lead generation and creating funnels positions you as the expert. As you can see the sky is literally the limit with a funnel. I am often creating funnels and testing multiple ones for my network marketing business. I can also make these funnels available to my team members. This will help them, better empower them to make more sales, gain more distributors and grow our team – together.

There is no reason why anyone, including you, couldn’t begin making powerful sales funnels for your network marketing business, today. Definitely, leave me a comment or get in contact with me and let’s make creating funnels a necessity in your business.


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I look forward to hearing from you and love to know, does the term ‘zoomers’ fit you?

And, definitely, check this out in the event you are looking to see how it is I have changed my life through the Network Marketing Industry over the past 12 years (and how you can too!) 

creating funnels
Rick Billings
Skype: rbillings3

Attraction Marketing Formula Boot Camp

Rick Billings, Diversified Entrepreneur

Rick Billings is a distinguished business leader specializing in online and offline marketing and training. He places a high value on fostering strong relationships with individuals he encounters daily. If you are interested in exploring opportunities for additional income streams, consider learning more about the resources and expertise Rick Billings offers. Click Here