An Unfair Advantage – A Rich Dad Documentary – Robert Kiyosaki

In this preview of “An Unfair Advantage,” a new documentary from Robert Kiyosaki and the Rich Dad advisors, we find out what a few greedy people did to enslave the world, and the tool they used to do it – the American dollar.

Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, Ken McElroy, Michael Maloney, Marco Antonio Regil, Trina White Maduro, Tom Wheelwright and other Rich Dad advisors, take us behind the scenes of the greatest transfer of wealth in human history.

But not only do they expose what got us to this unique point in history, they tell us what we can do to save ourselves and our families from disaster.

This is an exclusive clip of the ground breaking documentary, “An Unfair Advantage.”

Rick Billings is one of the top leaders in his primary company. He trains people in offline and online marketing and values building relationship with new people he meets everyday. If you need help getting more leads, you can check out his page at MLM Lead Generation.

Rick Billings

Rick Billings is one of the top leaders in his primary company. He trains people in online and offline marketing and values building relationships with new people he meets every day. If you're open to earn an extra stream of income see what Rick has to offer. Click Here