Succeed and Maintain As the 3% Do in Network Marketing

Hard truth is that 97% of people who are in a Network Marketing business fail. And, although at face value one might wonder why would I ever get involved, or why am I here. So let’s qualify this scary statistic before we dive in. 97% fail to succeed and maintain in this industry, not because of lack of funds, or people they haven’t met.

They don’t put in the same work as the 3% who do.

Because there is this looming idea that network marketing is this business model that will take you from rags to riches overnight. And I hate to be the one to break it to you but that simply isn’t true. What is true though for myself, and my circle of influencers is that we have been able to live and afford lives that others only dream of because we have put in the work. To succeed at network marketing has many different faces. From companies to products, presentations or funnels. But, at the end of it all, everyone is plugging into the same type of system.

Now granted, getting there – especially with technology – has eliminated much of the hotel meetings and living room presentations.  Not that they can’t be effective by any means, but times are changing and has allowed people to legitimately own a home based business.

One that allows you both the financial and in some cases, more importantly, time freedom. 

So, why is the focus succeed and maintain? Simply because attaining success one month and not the next, creates a bit of a rollercoaster as you can imagine. And, creates an unpredictable and can be a frustrating business for both you, and your team. So knowing the steps to both success and maintenance is key.

Network marketers of the six and seven figure earner statuses, generally have acquired a solid foundation that they continued to nurture, work with, plug into, and duplicated over time.

We know, that in order to have a viable business that will allow for years of residual income that this is necessary.

Previously I’ve spoken to the customer versus distributor acquisition model and this is all part of that process. Personally, I have created a majority of my team and income from online leads and prospects. People that have connected with me on social media, or this website here as a perfect example. This is one of the reasons I believe in delivering consistent value to the community as a whole because it will resonate with the right people, at the right time.

Customers and Distributors alike.

They may join my network marketing business, they may work with on other collaborative projects or have interest in a training I recommend. Whatever the case is, I am consistently delivering – and in most cases over delivering.

Why? Because I know that these efforts create long term, residual and growing income.

I know this because I am living it.

You might be too – or at the very least, deserve to be.

So let’s look at a few ways in which Network Marketers, new or seasoned ones, can benefit from knowing…

How to Succeed and Maintain in Network Marketing

Throw Out The Rejections. Constant rejection is a great way to become emotionally exhausted in this business. And in some cases to a point that you can’t go on anymore (or don’t want to). But with the right marketing and a built-in funnel system, the only people you ever need to talk to are the ones who are looking to join your team.

Considering something like a high converting lead capture page, a strong sales letter, webinar or video and an option to learn more. These systems, used properly, will help filter out those who could potentially be a waste of your time and energy. Quality leads and prospects that systems can bring to the table are the leads that you really want to talk to.

If you’re still chasing down rejection after rejection – stop! Learn how to make those leads instead, chase you.

Grow Relationships – Stop Harvesting Them. Now you may have heard that in network marketing we are in the business ofsucceed relationships. And, this is true – but what you may not understand is what exactly our business with relationships is. Most people, upon entering the ‘relationship business’ immediately begin trying to harvest all of their relationships for business partnerships. Instead of attempting to harvest (or rekindle, convince, etc) the relationships you already have, for business purposes, work on growing new relationships. Growing them with the purpose of ‘harvesting’ that relationship at a later time.

This is especially where the ‘succeed and maintain’ concept is fostered. New people, new relationships, new intentions.

Realize That Your Best Prospects Have Already Been Sold. The irony maybe? But your best prospects are those who are already sold – the people who are already in a network marketing company currently or have been in the past.

You see, if someone is already in network marketing, they have no reservations about the legitimacy of the system or the potential of the industry in its entirety. They know how it works and they know what a great opportunity it is.

You want to target prospects who have already been sold on what you have to offer. Otherwise, you are going to be spending your days debating and chasing leads who only mock and have nothing constructive to say about your business. Considering focusing on the 97% of network marketers who are lost or struggling in their current business and looking for help.

And, if you are offering the help, deliver on it.


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I look forward to hearing from you and love to know, does the term ‘zoomers’ fit you?

And, definitely, check this out in the event you are looking to see how it is I have changed my life through the Network Marketing Industry over the past 12 years (and how you can too!) 

Rick Billings
Skype: rbillings3

Attraction Marketing Formula Boot Camp

Rick Billings, Diversified Entrepreneur

Rick Billings is a distinguished business leader specializing in online and offline marketing and training. He places a high value on fostering strong relationships with individuals he encounters daily. If you are interested in exploring opportunities for additional income streams, consider learning more about the resources and expertise Rick Billings offers. Click Here