Keep in mind that DEBT BOX is doing something that has never been done before. They are tokenizing commodities around the world. All these  tokens are tied back to the DEBT token. As of about May 15, 2024, Schad Brannon & Roy Nelson are running and controlling DebtBox. Jason and Jake Anderson are running and controlling LEMON.

As of February 2024 these are the 12 projects, now NFTs that are actively producing token rewards daily. They are all tied to commodities and you can read the lite papers on

NFT Produces Tokens
DEBT BOX Projects

🍷BEV: Created  for connoisseurs of exquisite beverages and fine wines.

🚘 REV: Designed for aficionados of high-end automobiles 

🌱GROW: Tailored for advocates of green living and agriculture.

💧BGLD: Ideal for aficionados of the energy sector who are passionate about the dynamic world of crude oil exploration and production

🔥 NATG: Perfect for enthusiasts who want to tap into the evolving natural gas market.


Here's a random collection of videos that I've surfaced in my research since January 2023. They are in no particular order. 

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